About me
I am a professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg. Since 2023 I am a Wallenberg Academy Fellow.
Research areas: operator algebras (C*-algebras, Cuntz semigroups, semiprojectivity, K-theory, noncommutative dimension theory, generator problem), abstract harmonic analysis (group algebras, representations on Lp-spaces, Lp operator algebras).
Workshop Structure of Dynamical C*-algebras, 16-20. June 2025, Jaca (Spain).
E-Mail: [firstName].[lastName]@chalmers.se
Office: MV:L-3072 in MV-huset (Chalmers Tvärgata 3), link to campus map
Postal address:
Hannes Thiel
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
Chalmers Tvärgata 3, SE-412 96 Gothenburg

Short CV
- Since 2023: Professor, TU Chalmers, Gothenburg
- Fall 2021-2022: Professor of Analysis, CAU Kiel
- Fall 2020 – Spring 2021: Postdoc, TU Dresden
- Spring 2020: Akademischer Oberrat (non-permanent senior lecturer), WWU Münster
- Spring 2014: Postdoc, Fields Institute, Toronto
- Fall 2013-Fall 2019: Akademischer Rat (non-permanent lecturer), WWU Münster – on leave in Spring 2014
- Fall 2012-Spring 2013: Postdoc, WWU Münster
- May 2018: Habilitation in Mathematics, WWU Münster
- December 2012: PhD in Mathematics, University of Copenhagen, Supervisor: Mikael Rørdam
- August 2009: Diploma (equivalent to Master) in Mathematics, WWU Münster