Editorial work
- Editor of Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Conference organization
- Workshop Structure of Dynamical C*-algebras, Jaca (Spain), 16. – 20. June 2025
(Organized together with Joan Bosa, Elizabeth Gillaspy) - Conference Noncommutativity in the North – MikaelFest, Gothenburg, 17. – 20. June 2024
(Organized together with Georg Huppertz, Eduard Vilalta) - Workshop Noncommutative Ergodic Theory (OTET 10), Kiel, 4. – 7. October 2022
(Organized together with Markus Haase, Henrik Kreidler, Sascha Trostorff) - Workshop Cuntz semigroups, Kiel, 19. – 23. September 2022
- Workshop Cuntz semigroups, Münster, 12. – 16. July 2021
(Organized together with Eusebio Gardella) - Conference Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras (YMC*A), Münster, 25.-29. July 2016
(Organized together with Christian Bönicke, Dominic Enders, Eusebio Gardella, Gabor Szabo, Jianchao Wu, Kang Li, Sayan Chakraborty, Søren Knudby, Sven Raum) - Workshop C*-algebras: Geometry and Actions, Münster, 13-17. July 2015
(Organized together with Siegfried Echterhoff, Stuart White, Wilhelm Winter) - Workshop Structure and Classification of C*-algebras, Münster, 20-24. April 2015
(Organized together with Siegfried Echterhoff, Stuart White, Wilhelm Winter) - Miniworkshop C*-algebras, C*-bundles and Group Actions, Münster, November 2013
(Organized together with Snigdhayan Mahanta) - Masterclass Semiprojectivity, Copenhagen, 27.-31. August 2012
(Organized together with Søren Eilers, Adam Sørensen) - Masterclass The nuclear dimension of C*-algebras, Copenhagen, November 2011
Useful Links
- List of Operator Algebra Conferences by Narutaka Ozawa
- List of Operator Algebra Conferences by Paulo Pinto
List of institutions with a program for „Research in Pairs“ in mathematics
- American Institute of Mathematics (AIM), San Jose
program: SQuaRE ♦ participants: 4-6 („Preference is given to groups which contain a mix of junior and senior researchers, and to groups which have participants from North America“) ♦ duration: 1 week - Banff International Research Station (BIRS)
program: Focused Research Groups ♦ participants: up to 8 ♦ duration: 1-2 weeks
program: Research in Teams ♦ participants: 2-4 ♦ duration: 1-2 weeks - Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy
program: Research in Pairs ♦ participants: up to 4 ♦ duration: 1-2 weeks - Henri Poincaré Institute (IHP), Paris
program: Research in Paris ♦ participants: not specified ♦ duration: maximum 6 weeks - Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics (MFO)
program: Research in Pairs ♦ participants: 2-4 ♦ duration: 2-4 weeks
Reviews for Zentralblatt Math
- Zbl 1539.46042 Nawata. A characterization of the Razak-Jacelon algebra. Anal. PDE 16 (2023), 1799-1824.
- Zbl 1530.46046 Vilalta. The Cuntz semigroup of unital commutative AI-algebras. Can. J. Math. 75 (2023), 1831-1868.
- Zbl 1481.46054 Sogabe. A topological invariant for continuous fields of Cuntz algebras. Math. Ann. 380 (2021), 91-117.
- Zbl 1475.46046 Cantier. A unitary Cuntz semigroup for C*-algebras of stable rank one. J. Funct. Anal. 281 (2021), Article No. 109175, 37pp.
- Zbl 1473.46057 Boedihardjo. C*-algebras isomorphically representable on lp. Anal. PDE 13 (2020), 2173-2181.
- Zbl 1464.37010 Ma. Invariant ergodic measures and the classification of crossed product C*-algebras. J. Funct. Anal. 276 (2019), 1276-1293.
- Zbl 1464.46065 Wang. On invariants of C*-algebras with the ideal property. J. Noncommut. Geom. 12 (2018), 1199-1225.
- Zbl 1398.46047 Kirchberg, Sierakowski. Strong pure infiniteness of crossed products, Ergodic Theory Dyn. Syst. 38 (2018), 220-243.
- Zbl 1398.46043 Ng, Skoufranis. Closed convex hulls of unitary orbits in certain simple real rank zero C*-algebras, Can. J. Math. 69 (2017), 1109-1142.
- Zbl 06782215 Castillejos. Decomposable approximations and approximately finite dimensional C*-algebras. Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 162 (2017), 1-12.
- Zbl 1376.46042 Hirshberg, Wu. The nuclear dimension of C*-algebras associated to homeomorphisms, Adv. Math. 304 (2017), 56-89.
- Zbl 1351.46055 Li, Fang. The (**)-Haagerup property for C*-algebras, Chin. Ann. Math., Ser. B 37 (2016), 367-372.
- Zbl 1351.46051 Eilers, Li, Ruiz. The isomorphism problem for semigroup C*-algebras of right-angled Artin monoids, Doc. Math., J. DMV 21 (2016), 309-343.
- Zbl 1357.47087 Voiculescu. Some C*-algebras which are coronas of non-C*-Banach algebras, J. Geom. Phys. 105 (2016), 123-129.
- Zbl 1319.46043 Tikuisis. Nuclear dimension, Z-stability, and algebraic simplicity for stably projectionless C*-algebras, Math. Ann. 358 (2014), 729-778.
- Zbl 1339.46051 Robert, Rørdam. Divisibility properties for C*-algebras, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 106 (2013), 1330-1370.
- Zbl 1268.46041 Robert, Classification of inductive limits of 1-dimensional NCCW complexes, Adv. Math. 231 (2012), 2802-2836.
- Zbl 1255.46030 Antoine, Perera, Santiago. Pullbacks, C(X)-algebras, and their Cuntz semigroup, J. Funct. Anal. 260 (2011), 2844-2880.
List of ICM speakers in operator algebras
(incomplete, to be extended)
First name | Last name | Year & City | Plenary / Section | Title of Talk |
Dietmar | Bisch | 2002 Beijing | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Alain | Connes | 1978 Helsinki | Plenary | |
Alain | Connes | 1986 Berkeley | Section: Real and Functional Analysis | |
Alain | Connes | 1974 Vancouver | Section: Operator Algebras, Harmonic Analysis & Representation of Groups | |
Joachim | Cuntz | 1990 Kyoto | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Mikael | de la Salle | 2022 St. Petersburg | Section: Analysis | |
Mikael | de la Salle | Section: Lie Theory and Generalizations | ||
Jacques | Dixmier | 1966 Moskva | Section: Functional analysis | |
Edward | Effros | 1986 Berkeley | Section: Real and Functional Analysis | |
George | Elliott | 1994 Zurich | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Ruy | Exel | 2018 Rio de Janeiro | Section: Analysis and Operator Algebras | |
Ilijas | Farah | 2014 Seoul | Section: Logic and Foundations | |
Liming | Ge | 2002 Beijing | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Uffe | Haagerup | 1986 Berkeley | Section: Real and Functional Analysis | |
Uffe | Haagerup | 2002 Beijing | Plenary | |
Cyril | Houdayer | 2022 St. Petersburg | Section: Analysis | |
Adrian | Ioana | 2018 Rio de Janeiro | Section: Analysis and Operator Algebras | |
Masaki | Izumi | 2010 Hyderabad | Section: Functional Analysis and Applications | |
Vaughan | Jones | 1986 Berkeley | Section: Real and Functional Analysis | |
Richard | Kadison | 1970 Nice | Section: Analysis | |
Yasuyuki | Kawahigashi | 2018 Rio de Janeiro | Section: Analysis and Operator Algebras | |
Eberhard | Kirchberg | 1994 Zurich | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Vincent | Lafforgue | 2002 Beijing | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Adrian | Ocneanu | 1990 Kyoto | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Narutaka | Ozawa | 2006 Madrid | Section: Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis | |
Michael | Pimsner | 1990 Kyoto | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Sorin | Popa | 2006 Madrid | Plenary | |
Sorin | Popa | 1990 Kyoto | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
John | Ringrose | 1974 Vancouver | Section: Operator Algebras, Harmonic Analysis & Representation of Groups | |
Mikael | Rørdam | 2006 Madrid | Section: Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis | |
Dimitri | Shlyakhtenko | 2010 Hyderabad | Section: Functional Analysis and Applications | |
George | Skandalis | 1990 Kyoto | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Erling | Störmer | 1974 Vancouver | Section: Operator Algebras, Harmonic Analysis & Representation of Groups | |
Masamichi | Takesaki | 1970 Nice | Section: Analysis | |
Joseph | Taylor | 1974 Vancouver | Section: Operator Algebras, Harmonic Analysis & Representation of Groups | |
Andreas | Thom | 2018 Rio de Janeiro | Section: Analysis and Operator Algebras | |
Andreas | Thom | 2018 Rio de Janeiro | Section: Topology, Analysis and Operator Algebras | |
Stefaan | Vaes | 2010 Hyderabad | Section: Functional Analysis and Applications | |
Antony | Wassermann | 1994 Zurich | Section: Operator Algebras & Functional Analysis | |
Stuart | White | 2022 St. Petersburg | Section: Analysis | |
Wilhelm | Winter | 2018 Rio de Janeiro | Section: Analysis and Operator Algebras | |
Guoliang | Yu | 2006 Madrid | Section: Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis |
Websites of some Operator Algebraists
- Alain Connes: German Wikipedia ♦ English Wikipedia.
- Joachim Cuntz: German Wikipedia ♦ English Wikipedia ♦ Homepage (University of Münster).
- Siegfried Echterhoff: German Wikipedia ♦ Homepage (University of Münster).
- George A. Elliott: German Wikipedia ♦ English Wikipedia.
- Uffe Haagerup: German Wikipedia ♦ English Wikipedia.
- Narutaka Ozawa: German Wikipedia ♦ English Wikipedia ♦ Homepage.
- N. Christopher Phillips: Homepage (University of Oregon).
- Leonel Robert: Homepage (University of Louisiana at Lafayette).
- Mikael Rørdam: Homepage (University of Copenhagen).
- Stefaan Vaes: German Wikipedia ♦ English Wikipedia ♦ Homepage (University of Leuven).
- Stuart White: Homepage (University of Glasgow).
- Wilhelm Winter: German Wikipedia ♦ English Wikipedia ♦ Homepage (University of Münster).
Some Collected Quotes
- „Many people have worked on it and vanished without a trace.“ (George Elliott, about the quasitrace problem. Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Connections with Logic, Fields Institute, Toronto, August 2023. According to Elliott, this is a quote of Kadison.)
- „You have to allow for C*-algebras without projections. But that’s another day at the office.“ (George Elliott, about the generalization of a result from simple unital to simple projectionless C*-algebras. Workshop Cuntz semigroups, Münster, July 2021.)
- „I am not a scholar, but I get around.“ (George Elliott, when discussing with the audience whether the uniqueness of the commutation relations and the characterization of compacts by a unique irreducible representation was due to von Neummann in 1931 or Naimark in 1951. Barcelona Conference on C*-algebras: Structure, Classification and Dynamics, June 2017)
- „No animals are killed in this process.“ (George Elliott, about a classification functor that doesn’t „kill“ any automorphisms. Barcelona Conference on C*-algebras: Structure, Classification and Dynamics, June 2017)
- „It’s worse than nothing. Apologies to the experts.“ (George Elliott, towards Ilijas Farah about the shortcomings of the quotient R/Q as a topological or Boral space. Barcelona Conference on C*-algebras: Structure, Classification and Dynamics, June 2017)
- „I would think there is more than one way to get dressed in the morning, and it would still be satisfactory.“ (George Elliott, When discussing canonical vs. natural, and that natural does not mean unique. Barcelona Conference on C*-algebras: Structure, Classification and Dynamics, June 2017)
- „Life’s too short to worry about nonseparable things.“ (Cornel Pasnicu, at the Barcelona Conference on C*-algebras: Structure, Classification and Dynamics, June 2017. According to Pasnicu this is a quote of Mackey.)