Inductive limits of semiprojective C*-algebras

Von | Dezember 20, 2020

Question: Is every separable C*-algebra an inductive limit of semiprojective C*-algebras?

This question was first raised by Blackadar in ​[1]​. If we think of C*-algebras as noncommutative topological spaces, then semiprojective C*-algebras are noncommutative absolute neighborhood retracts (ANRs). It is a classical result from shape theory that every metrizable space X is homeomorphic to an inverse limit of metrizable ANRs X_n, that is, X\cong\varprojlim_n X_n. This means that C(X) is isomorphic to an inductive limit of the C(X_n), that is, C(X)\cong\varinjlim_n C(X_n). The question is if the noncommutative analog of this result also holds.

It has been verified for many classes of C*-algebras that they are inductive limits of semiprojective C*-algebras. For example, Enders showed in ​[2]​ that every UCT-Kirchberg algebra is an inductive limit of semiprojective C*-algebras. In ​[3]​, it was shown that the class of C*-algebras that are inductive limits of semiprojective C*-algebras is closed under shape domination, and in particular under homotopy equivalence. One deduces, for example, that if X is a contractible, compact, metrizable space, and if A is an inducitve limit of semiprojective C*-algebras, then so is C(X,A). It also follows that every contractible C*-algebra is an inductive limit of semiprojective C*-algebras – in fact, even of projective C*-algebras, as was shown in ​[4]​.

The commutative C*-algebra C(S^2) is probably the easiest C*-algebra where it is currently unknown if it is an inductive limit of semiprojective C*-algebras. Equivalently, it is unknown if C_0(\mathbb{R}^2) is an inductive limit of semiprojective C*-algebras. By Example 4.6 in ​[3]​, we know that the stabilization C_0(\mathbb{R}^2)\otimes\mathcal{K} is an inductive limit of semiprojective C*-algebras.

  1. [1]
    B. Blackadar, Shape theory for C^*-algebras, MATH. SCAND. 56 (1985) 249–275.
  2. [2]
    D. Enders, Semiprojectivity for Kirchberg algebras, ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:1507.06091. (2015).
  3. [3]
    H. Thiel, Inductive limits of semiprojective C^*-algebras, Advances in Mathematics. 347 (2019) 597–618.
  4. [4]
    H. Thiel, Inductive limits of projective C*-algebras, J. Noncommut. Geom. 13 (2020) 1435–1462.

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